Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

HKEx: Remarks By Deputy Chief Operating Officer Mr Lawrence Fok At The Ceremony To Mark The First Listings Of Equity Linked Instruments

Date 05/08/2002

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

I am pleased to announce the first listings of Equity Linked Instruments (ELI) on our stock exchange today.

ELI are additional investment instruments for investors.

  • They combine the features of a fixed income instrument and a stock option.
  • They are designed for investors who want to earn a higher interest rate than the rate on an ordinary time deposit, and/or who want the opportunity to buy their favorite stock at a discount to the prevailing market price.
  • Investors may choose from three different types of ELI listed on the Stock Exchange - Bull, Bear and Range - depending on their views on the underlying securities.
  • For stock brokers, ELI can extend their product lines from warrants and equities to a product which has a lower price risk than equities due to its cap to return, providing a one-stop service that can meet more of the investment needs of many of their clients.
Today, we have six ELI listing on our stock exchange. As far as I am aware of, there will be another four to be listed this Thursday or Friday. They mark a further step in the development of HKEx in the area of product offering.

We will continue to monitor the markets to determine investors' interest in new products to maintain our position as an international financial centre.

Thank you.

The six ELI listed on the Stock Exchange are:

Stock Code

Issuers Underlying stocks


Credit Suisse First Boston China Mobile (Hong Kong) Limited


KBC Financial Products International Ltd Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited


KBC Financial Products International Ltd HSBC Holdings plc


KBC Financial Products International Ltd Hutchison Whampoa Limited


KBC Financial Products International Ltd Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited


SGA Societe Generale Acceptance N.V. Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited