The service hours for order placement and order status enquiries under ORS will be 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. excluding Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and non-trading days. ORS orders must be placed through a Stock Exchange Participant.
ORS can support the placement of orders after trading hours (4 p.m. to 5 p.m.). But individual Stock Exchange Participants will decide and inform their clients how they will handle such after hours orders. As the service arrangements for different Stock Exchange Participants may vary, investors should enquire with their brokers about service details for orders placed after trading hours.
ORS enables investors to place stock market orders through Hongkong Post's PKI based Internet order placement at the HKEx Website, as well as mobile phones and other electronic channels developed by Proprietary Network System (PNS) vendors connecting to ORS.
Initially, five PNS vendors will support ORS: HK Stock Limited, iAsia Technology Limited, New World Mobility, Reuters and Tigerex Hong Kong Limited.
Twenty-one Stock Exchange Participants will join tomorrow's rollout of ORS and the HKEx Online Trading Service and over 80 others have expressed interest in joining later.
A mock version of the Online Trading Service is featured at the HKEx exhibit at the Hong Kong Information Infrastructure Expo. The Expo is being held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre in Wanchai and runs today until Sunday, 25 February.