Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

HKex: Mini-HSI Options' First-Day Trading Volume

Date 18/11/2002

Trading volume for Mini-Hang Seng Index (Mini-HSI) Options, which were introduced today, was 171 contracts, comprising 158 calls and 13 puts. Today's trading volume for Hang Seng Index Options was 7,727 contracts, comprising 4,726 calls and 3,001 puts.

Today's HSI Options volume was up sharply from last month's average daily volume of 4,954 and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) officials said Mini-HSI Options were off to a good start.

"The first day trading volume for Mini-HSI Options was encouraging," said HKEx Chief Operating Officer Frederick Grede. "We've been very pleased with the success of our Mini-HSI Futures contract and this year's pick-up in HSI Options trading, and we think the new Mini-HSI Options contract has good potential."

HKEx received reports this morning of some information vendors having difficulties translating data on Mini-HSI Options for display on their systems.

Other information vendors reported no difficulties in displaying the data.

Host to host data transmission between HKEx and information vendors was not affected and trading information displayed on the Hong Kong Futures Automated Trading System (HKATS) was not affected.

HKEx advised information vendors that had data difficulties to inform their customers if there had been any incorrect information displayed on their systems. The information vendors that had data difficulties told HKEx that they would correct their systems after today's market close.

HKEx also advised investors to consult their brokers for trading of Mini-HSI Options.