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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

HKEx Introduces Special Introductory Offer For Derivatives Market Price Depth Information

Date 27/11/2002

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) has introduced a special introductory offer for its new service that provides price depth information from its Derivatives Market.

The new service, announced earlier and currently available through the information vendors listed below, enables investors to get the aggregated best five bid and ask prices with full volume for all instruments trading on the Derivatives Market. Previously, the price depth information was only available through the Derivatives Market's HKATS (Hong Kong Futures Automated Trading System) trading system.

Under the special introductory offer, subscribers to basic Derivatives Market data can receive price depth information for free through the end of January next year. In addition, price depth information will be offered at a discount from the first of February next year through the end of April next year. The details are as follows:

Charges for basic Derivatives Market data with price depth information

Till 31 Jan 03

1 Feb 03 to 30 Apr 03

From 1 May 03

Free for subscribers to basic Derivatives Market data without price depth information at the price of HK$25 per device per month

per device per month*

per device per month**

* Discounted fee for basic Derivatives Market data with price depth information.
** Regular fee for basic Derivatives Market data with price depth information.

"The aim of this programme is to encourage investors to try the new data service, which was introduced to meet their needs," said Roger Lee, HKEx Senior Vice President of E-business and Information Services.

"We have been offering price depth information from our securities market for several years and investors have expressed interest in similar information from the Derivatives Market," Mr Lee added.

List of information vendors providing price depth information from the Derivatives Market are as follows: Limited
AFE Solutions Limited
Bloomberg L.P
ET Net Limited
Finet Holdings Limited
Infocast Limited
Moneyline Telerate International Limited.
QuotePower International Limited
Reuters Limited
Tai Fook On-line Services Limited
Telequote Data International Limited
Tele-Trend Limited

The latest list of information vendors is posted on the HKEx website at

Business enquiries on HKEx's Market Data Services can be directed to