Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

HEX And Helsingin Sanomat: Company Disclosure And Financial Reports 2002 - Evaluation

Date 30/05/2002

HEX and Helsingin Sanomat organize a Company Disclosure and Financial Reports 2002 - evaluation. The evaluation is open to all companies listed at Helsinki Exchanges and to companies applying for listing. The company disclosure and regular financial reports are subject to evaluation, especially from the market participants' point of view. The co-operation of the organizers originates from the traditional evaluation of Annual Reports.

The aim of the evaluation is to promote open and consistent company disclosure and increase the public interest in the contents and quality of disclosure. Further, the aim is to enhance the preconditions for assessing the development of disclosure in a changing environment. The evaluation provides a challenge to those responsible for disclosure and a new perspective for the audience.

The evaluation will cover stock exchange releases as well as regular financial reports (financial statements bulletin, interim reports and annual report) published during the relevant year by a company participating to evaluation. Evaluation will be made in two categories: a category for globally operating companies and a category for all listed companies. The participants will be evaluated by an independent board.

The first Company Disclosure and Financial Reports -evaluation will cover all financial reports disclosed during the year 2002 and the stock exchange releases disclosed between July 1, 2002 and December 31, 2002. The best three companies will be awarded in both categories. The board may also honor companies for success in certain evaluated areas. The results of the first contest will be published by February 2003.