Growth Enterprise Market, GEM, Of The Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Will Ballot Stock Codes For Charity
Date 13/11/1999
The Growth Enterprise Market, GEM, of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited has invited the first batch of companies which have obtained preliminary listing approval to ballot for stock codes on Saturday, November 13. All proceeds of the ballot of charity codes will be donated to the Community Chest.
The GEM stock codes are in sequential order from 8003. The following stock codes have been assigned as charity codes for the ballot to be held this Saturday. A company that has drawn one of the charity codes may keep the code by paying the fees as follow:
8003: HKD 300,000, 8008: HKD 300,000, 8018: HKD 300,000, 8028: HKD 300,000.
The company may draw and keep another code without paying any fees if it does not wish to retain the charity code, provided that the new code is not one of the charity codes. All charity codes drawn but not kept by the drawer will be put back for drawing by the next company. All companies seeking listing on GEM will be required to ballot for stock codes, which need not be charity codes.
The Community Chest will send officials to witness the ballot.
The Exchange will maintain a fair and transparent balloting system and future codes may be assigned to charity as GEM develops.
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