Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Good Progress For The New Rule Book With Three Segments: Financial Derivatives, Energy (Electricity) And Fixed Income (Repos)

Date 29/09/2010

MEFF is pleased to announce the new member that has been approved by the Board:

MEFF is pleased to announce that from September 7 the proposal of Royal Decree approving the new regulation for futures, options and other financial instruments is on the State Council (attached RD draft in Spanish that once approved will be translated into English).

At this stage we understand that we are close to complete the regulatory process. Once the RD is approved, then the CNMV will come next to clear the new MEFF Rule Book (attached latest draft in English). We expect that by the end of November both the RD and the MEFF Rule Book are in place and then we can immediately start running under the new regime.

The new rule book allows a wider range of account structures and facilitates trading and clearing of many financial instruments in the same legal entity. The structure will based on the following segments: Financial Derivatives, Energy (Electricity) and Fixed Income (Repos).