The agreement with ATSMAI offers the GL TRADE Group's clients enhancements to the GL WIN trading station whilst at the same time covering development costs. GL WIN allows visualisation of market information and trading on more than 60 markets worldwide.
Under the partnership, Atsmai Technology's ATLAS and AXES applications will be integrated into the GL WIN workstation using the new "API OPEN GL WIN" system which provides a flexible interface between GL TRADE's solutions and third-party applications. ATLAS is a powerful management system linking real-time information with an Excel interface. It offers a full trading window, helping optimise traders' activity. The AXES application is used for modelling purposes and operating the latest generation of automated trading strategies.
"Atsmai Technology is our first 'Open GL Win Partner'," explains Gilles Antoine, Director of Exchanges and Alliances Relations at GL TRADE. "Our aim is to expand our network of partnerships with innovative partners, in order to pursue our strategy of enhancing the functionality of our systems".
"Combining the performance of ATLAS with that of the GL WIN trading station creates potential functionality under Excel the scope of which is unprecedented," adds Jacques Kluger, CEO of Atsmai. "The automated strategies created under AXES can be applied directly to GL TRADE's data flows, without any modification to IT systems being required".