The contents of the stock exchange announcement was summarised in a daily newspaper on 21 February 2002. The article in the daily newspaper was written based on the fact that information had been disseminated by the company prior to the submission of the stock exchange announcement to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.
Listed companies must publish all price-relevant information via the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, and the listed companies must ensure that all market participants are treated equally in respect of the information that the company submits. The publication of price-relevant information is deemed to have taken place when the Copenhagen Stock Exchange has received an announcement thereon.
Consequently, price-relevant information must not be given to the press before an announcement containing the information has been sent to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. This applies irrespective of whether the information has been given in confidence.
The Exchange has today reprimanded Genmab on this error. In the assessment of the Exchange, the company has violated its duty of ensuring that the entire market has equal access to price-relevant information about the company and violated the rule that all price-relevant information must be published to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange not later than simultaneously with the publication of the information to other parties.