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FTSE Xinhua Index Announces Annual Review Results - To Screen Out B Shares As Eligible Constituents In The FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index

Date 15/07/2004

FTSE Xinhua Index (FXI), the independent China index provider, held its Index Committee meeting last Tuesday to review and approve constituent changes on the FTSE/Xinhua China Index Series and the FTSE/Xinhua Galaxy Provincial Indices. The alterations will become effective after the close of business on Friday 16 July 2004 (i.e. on Monday, 19 July 2004).

In the FTSE/Xinhua China A 50 Index, China International Marine Containers (000039) and BOE Technology Group (000725) are being added as rebalancing additions resulting in the deletions of Jiangsu Expressway (600377) and Torch Investment (000549).

Moreover, the Committee also announced adjustments in the Ground Rules of the index series. Taking into account the declining trading volume of the B share market, the Committee decided to screen out B shares from the FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index. This new rule will be implemented at the October index review, and eligible constituents for the index will only include H shares and red chips.

For the FTSE/Xinhua China A Share Index Series, the Committee made the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange an eligible market, allowing stocks on the SME Board, in addition to the Main Boards on the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges, to be included in the A share universe. Moreover the inclusion date of a new issue has been changed from the close of the debut trading to that on the fifth day, in order to avoid irrational price fluctuation during the first few days following initial public offerings. This new rule also allows a sufficient notice for users to make respective adjustments in the index-linked products. The Committee also announced that it would screen out the influenced stocks from the FTSE/Xinhua China A Share Index Series in consideration of the practical investment requirements, which will be implemented at the October index review.

The Ground Rules (please see for details) are drafted, maintained and interpreted by the independent FTSE Xinhua Index Committee, which is a body of market experts who are responsible for the management of the indices. These principles for inserting and deleting companies at the regular reviews are designed to provide stability in constituent selection and ensure the continuous investability and liquidity of the indices.

An overview of changes is provided in the appendix. Full details of all additions and deletions can be found at