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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

FTSE Group Launches Innovative Style Index Series

Date 04/09/2002

FTSE Group, the fastest growing global index provider, today unveils an innovative new series of Global Style Indices, comprising separate Value and Growth indices for the world's developed and advanced emerging markets. The new FTSE Global Style Index Series brings together the latest thinking in the fields of Value and Growth investment to create a simple and easy to use index design that meets the needs of today's investment community.

The FTSE Global Style Index Series contains indices for each of the underlying country and regional indices in its universe, which represents 29 country and 31 regional indices and comprises 1,800 stocks. With 60 benchmarks each containing separate Value and Growth indices, the FTSE Global Style Series allows for segmentation of the investible universe in combinations to suit any investor or mandate requirement.

Will Oulton, Deputy Chief Executive, FTSE Group said, "The FTSE Global Style indices are a major advance in how value and Growth investment opportunities are presented in the market today. FTSE's approach to style provides an accessible and simple to use index series based on a practical and cutting edge methodology. This design means that it works equally well for asset allocation, performance measurement and investment monitoring."

Style managers have also welcomed the new index series. "Global investors using Value and Growth strategies will find, in the FTSE Style Series, an index that helps them identify the set of companies in the global market that exhibit Value and Growth characteristics for better investment decisions," said Lori Richards, Manager, Russell Indexes.

In line with other FTSE indices, the FTSE Global Style Series is free-float adjusted, liquidity screened and classified according to the FTSE Global Classification system. The series is overseen by an independent industry practitioner committee and will be reviewed twice a year in June and December.

The new index series, including a backhistory from 1994 will be available from October 4th. More information about FTSE Global Style is available at