Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

FTSE All-World Index Series Methodology Changes

Date 23/06/2003

On 22 September 2003, we will enhance the existing FTSE All-World Index Series methodology, resulting in the FTSE All-World Index Series having complete coverage of the large and mid cap opportunity set. Small cap stocks will be included in the new FTSE Global Small Cap Indices.

To provide a consistent, seamless universe, a single set of ground rules are applied to FTSE Global Equity Index Series (Large, Mid & Small Cap), FTSE All-World Index Series (Large and Mid Cap) and FTSE Global Small Cap Indices. The key changes are:

Regional Reviews

Countries are grouped into seven regions and cut at 98% market capitalisation to create the Index Universe. Yearly reviews held at regional level.

Construction Methodology

Two additional filters (universe cut at 98% of market, no companies with less than US$100m market capitalisation) are added to the existing filters (liquidity and free float) to create the investable universe.

Index Construction

The seven regions are then cut by market capitalisation to create Large, Mid and Small Cap. The top 90% (Large and Mid Cap) by market capitalisation create the FTSE All-World Index Series.

Fast Entry Level, Additions and Deletion Levels

The rules have been amended slightly to reflect the wider opportunity set.

Click here for overview of the changes to the FTSE All-World Index Series methodology