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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

FSB/IOSCO: Public Responses To The January 2014 Consultative Document On Assessment Methodologies For Identifying Non-Bank Non-Insurer Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions

Date 25/04/2014

The FSB, jointly with IOSCO, published in January 2014 its consultative document entitled Assessment Methodologies for Identifying Non-Bank Non-Insurer Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions (NBNI G-SIFIs).

The FSB and IOSCO indicated that they would welcome comments on the consultative proposals by 7 April 2014. These comments are available below.

The FSB and IOSCO wish to thank those who have taken the time and effort to express their views, which will serve as an input to further work on the assessment of the systemic importance of non-bank non-insurer financial institutions .

Albourne Partners

Alex J Pollock and Thomas H Stanton


Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA)

Association Française de la Gestion financière (AFG)

Association of Institutional Investors

Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry


BNP Paribas Investment Partners

Brevan Howard Investment Products

Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management (BVI)

Capital Group Companies

Captive Finance Coalition

Captives Forum

Committee on Capital Markets Regulation

EU Federation for the Factoring and Commercial Finance Industry (EUF)

European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA)

Federated Investors

Fidelity Management and Research Company

Fidelity Worldwide Investment (FIL)

Financial InterGroup (FIG)

Financial Services Roundtable (FSR)

Fordham University students (Alemann, Belfanti, Biestek, Godsey, Lauberth, Sarwar)

Fordham University students (Aleynik, Caramia, Esteves-Ferreira, Fishbein)

Fordham University students (Bazalyuk, Cerven, Gliatta, Harvey, Jensen)

Fordham University students (Drysdale, Henriksson, Miller, Sampath, Tu)

GE Capital

Hedge Fund Standards Board (HFSB)

International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) Asset Management and Investors Council

Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA)

Institute of International Finance (IIF)

Investment Company Institute (ICI)

Investment Funds Institute Canada (IFIC)

Investment Management Association (IMA)

Leaseurope and Eurofinas

Managed Funds Association (MFA)

Nomura Holdings


Private Equity Growth Capital Council (PEGCC), and European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (EVCA)

Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Asset Management Group

State Street Global Advisors

The Investment Trusts Association, Japan

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Global Risk and Governance Initiative

Union Investment


Wholesale Market Brokers' Association (WMBA)

Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss (ZIA)