Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

FSB: Public Responses To The March 2015 Consultative Document Assessment Methodologies For Identifying NBNI G-SIFIs

Date 12/06/2015

The FSB and IOSCO published on 4 March 2015 their second consultative document on Assessment Methodologies for Identifying Non-Bank Non-Insurer Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions (NBNI G-SIFIs).

The FSB and IOSCO invited comments on the consultative proposals by 29 May 2015. These comments (unless marked as confidential by respondents) are available below.

The FSB and IOSCO wish to thank those who have taken the time and effort to express their views. Both bodies are reviewing the responses and expect to discuss the findings at their next Plenary and Board meetings.

Meanwhile, the FSB, in coordination with IOSCO, has started work on identifying financial stability risks associated with market liquidity in fixed income markets and asset management activities in the current conjuncture, as well as longer-term structural financial stability issues that may arise. This work will evaluate the role that existing or additional activity-based policy measures could play in mitigating potential risks, and make policy recommendations as necessary. The FSB will discuss the initial findings at its next Plenary meeting in September.