Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

FSA Grants Jiway Recognised Investment Exchange (RIE) Status

Date 02/11/2000

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) yesterday announced the approval of Jiway as a Recognised Investment Exchange (RIE) in the UK. This means that Jiway will be a regulated and transparent marketplace for retail brokers and their clients when trading commences on 17 November, 2000. Jiway is 60 per cent. owned by OM and 40 per cent. owned by Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, and will be the eighth RIE in the UK.

Per E. Larsson, President and Chief Executive Officer of OM Group, said: "This is an historic event - the way is now clear for Jiway to offer the first pan-European and fully integrated stock exchange to retail brokers in the UK, Sweden and Germany. I am delighted that the UK Financial Services Authority has granted Recognised Investment Exchange status to Jiway, and that Jiway is firmly on track for a successful roll out. This further demonstrates our long term commitment to London and our determination to be one of Europe's leading exchange players".

Jiway is the world's first fully integrated stock exchange and will commence trading in November this year with a roll-out of markets. Headquartered in London, Jiway will be an electronic order and quote driven market providing a single access point for major US and European shares, offering safekeeping and corporate action services together with anonymous trading. Jiway is owned by OM Gruppen AB (60 per cent.) and by Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (40 per cent.). Jiway's own press release and more information about Jiway is available at