Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Four New Indexchange ETFs Launched In The XTF Segment On Xetra - First ETF On An Index For Eastern Europe And New EU Member States In XTF - Range Extended To Include ETFs For European Dividend Strategies - XTF Segment With The Largest Number Of Internatio

Date 12/05/2005

Deutsche Börse continues to expand its XTF segment for exchange-traded index funds. Since Thursday, May 12, four new exchange-traded funds (ETFs) from the issuer INDEXCHANGE Investment AG have been tradable in XTF. The Dow Jones STOXX EU Enlarged 15SM EX represents the first ETF on an index for Eastern Europe and new EU member states. With the two ETFs, Dow Jones STOXXSM Select Dividend 30 EX and Dow Jones EURO STOXXSM Select Dividend 30 EX, Indexchange is extending its range of exchange-traded index funds for dividend strategies. So far, investors have been able to implement these strategies at low cost in German stocks (DivDAX® EX); they are now also able to access European stocks. The fourth ETF is the Dow Jones EURO STOXXSMEX, an exchange-traded index fund that tracks the performance of around 300 stocks in the Euro zone.

The XTF segment of Deutsche Börse is Europe’s leading market place for exchange-traded funds. With currently 72 index funds, it offers the largest range of any European stock market. Average monthly trading volume on Xetra is approximately €2.8 billion, or more than 50 percent of total trading volume in exchange-traded index funds for the whole of Europe.