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Foreign Investors Welcome Thai Listed Companies In London

Date 23/01/2003

The Finance Minister, His Excellency Dr. Somkid Jatusripitak, commented during the Thailand Global Investors Conference that the roadshow comes at a very opportune time. He went on to say that we could be proud that the listed companies accompanying his team received such a lot of interest from investors. The conference is the result of collaboration between the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), Merrill Lynch Phatra Company Limited, and the Finance Ministry, to present information on twelve listed companies to foreign institutional investors. The roadshow kicked off in London on January 22.

"Foreign investors live far away from Thailand, so there is little opportunity for them to receive information directly. Therefore, this information distributed at the roadshow in the United Kingdom and later in the United States on Friday the 24th, is critical for presenting essential information for helping make investment decisions. If they do not have the necessary information, they would not be able to invest wisely and any investment would therefore be short-term. As a consequence, this presentation is very much needed and should be held every year," Mr. Somkid suggested.

The President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Mr. Kittirat Na Ranong, present on the trip, stated that, "listed companies had a chance to meet more than thirty-five European institutional investors. In fact, a large number of investors traveled from all over Europe just to attend this event. It is clear that this event generated a good deal of interest. Executives of the twelve listed companies had a chance to speak with investors over 8-9 rounds and in some rounds, more than one leading institutional investor participated in the meeting. While each company received widespread interest, some listed companies met with more than thirty investors."

Mrs. Kirsty Watt, after participating in the conference, said that her firm gives a lot of weight to investing in Thailand. Her firm, Martin Currie Investment Management Limited, with offices in Scotland and currently managing a seven billion pound fund, regarded it is an attractive investment destination with good returns. Thailand is targeted for more investment by her firm this year.

On Friday January 24th, His Excellency the Finance Minister will visit the New York Stock Exchange and meet with its executives.

"His Excellency, the Finance Minister, will be the first Thai to ever ring the bell signaling the opening of the New York Stock Exchange. This meeting aims to present as much beneficial information as possible, both in document and in verbal form. The Thai delegation will study the positive aspects of the NYSE to help improve the Thai capital markets," Mr. Kittirat concluded.