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Five New Db X-Trackers ETFs Launched On Xetra - First ETF In FTSE 100 Short Index Listed In XTF Segment - Range Of Shariah-Compliant ETFs Expanded

Date 28/08/2008

Deutsche Börse is further expanding its XTF segment for exchange-traded index funds (ETFs) on the pan-European Xetra trading platform and has admitted five new ETFs issued by db-x-trackers to trading.

The db x-trackers FTSE 100 Short ETF (ISIN: LU0328473581) allows investors in participate in the performance of the FTSE 100 Short Index. The index is inversely linked to movements on the FTSE 100 TR Index. A change in the FTSE 100 TR Index leads to an equal but inverse change in the index.

The three following db-x-trackers ETFs give investors the opportunity to invest in companies that are selected according to Islam-compliant criteria: the db x-trackers S&P Europe 350 Shariah ETF (ISIN: LU0328475107) currently includes 142 companies from the S&P Europe 350 index, the db x-trackers S&P 500 Shariah ETF (ISIN: LU0328475362) comprises approximately 276 companies from the S&P 500 Shariah index, and the db x-trackers S&P Japan 500 Shariah ETF (ISIN: LU0328475289) consists of approximately 280 companies from the S&P Japan500. The indices are part of the Shariah Index series.

The db x-trackers DJ Islamic Market Titans 100 ETF (ISIN: LU0328475529), which allows investors to participate in the performance of the Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 TR Index, is also Shariah-compliant. It consists of three regional blue-chip indices that together form a global blue-chip index comprising 100 stocks: Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Titans 50 Index, Dow Jones Islamic Market Europe Titans 25 Index and Dow Jones Islamic Market Asia/Pacific Titans 25 Index.

Shariah-compliant investments exclude the gambling, alcoholic beverages, pornography, cigarettes, weapons and pork sectors. Investments which generate earnings through interest income are not allowed either, which also rules out the majority of financial service providers.

The ETF product offering on Xetra currently comprises a total of 326 exchange-traded index funds, making it the largest offering of all European stock exchanges. This selection, together with an average monthly trading volume of over €9 billion, makes Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment Europe’s leading trading venue for ETFs.