Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

First Warsaw Stock Exchange IPO Partner from the USA

Date 21/08/2008

Chicago-based US FINANCE CONNECT, LLC is the first company from the USA to be named WSE IPO Partner under the programme aimed at attracting foreign issuers to the Warsaw Stock Exchange. US FINANCE CONNECT, LLC is the 14th WSE IPO Partner.

US FINANCE CONNECT, LLC provides comprehensive services to companies interested in raising capital on stock exchanges, most particularly on NewConnect.

For more information, please visit

The WSE IPO Partner Programme, launched in the autumn of 2006, is designed to ensure the support of WSE Partners – foreign brokerage houses – for WSE promotion in foreign markets. WSE signs agreements with brokerage and investment companies with a view to directly an indirectly attract issuers established outside Poland.

Under the agreement, WSE Partners receive a special logo which they may use in their efforts to attract issuers and an opportunity to include information on their WSE-authorised partner status in letters and documents.

The following companies have been granted the WSE IPO Partner status: Altera Finance, Sokrat Capital, Millennium Capital, Concorde Capital, Aval-Brok, Financial and Analytical Group Pro-Consulting Ltd. from Ukraine, Evli Securities and Hansabank from Estonia (operating in the Baltic states and in Russia), Wood & Company and Cyrrus from the Czech Republic, INFIN Financial Services from Turkey as well as Uniter Investment Company JSC and Priorbank JCS from Belarus.