Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

First Review Of The FTSE4Good Indices Due

Date 31/08/2001

The first set of changes to FTSE's innovative set of socially responsible indices, FTSE4Good, will be announced on 18 September 2001, following a meeting of the FTSE4Good Advisory Committee. Confirmation of new additions and deletions to all 6 indices will be announced on that day.

Companies that have met the FTSE4Good selection criteria since the indices were launched on 10 July 2001 will be added to the indices. Those companies who have not met the FTSE4Good selection criteria since launch will be not be included in the indices.

The FTSE4Good Advisory Committee set and review the criteria. The Committee is made up of independent market practitioners in corporate social responsibility and socially responsible investment.

The process used for all reviews is completely transparent - the ground rules followed by the Advisory Committee and the selection criteria are published at