Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

First Quarter Of 2000 Sees New Records Set On Amsterdam Exchanges' Markets

Date 29/04/2000

In the first three months of the new millennium many records were broken at Amsterdam Exchanges' stock market. In both February and March turnover on the stock market more than doubled. Total value of share turnover for the first quarter of 2000 amounted to ?400 billion, almost double the amount recorded in the same period last year, while the number of share transactions was over twice as high as in the first quarter of 1999. EURO.NM Amsterdam, the segment for fast-growing innovative companies, also had a good quarter. Value of turnover in this segment rose 322%, while the number of transactions was almost five times higher than a year earlier. At the end of March the total market capitalisation of companies listed in Amsterdam amounted to ?840 billion, a 35% increase on the previous year.

Premium turnover from options and futures rose 78% in March compared to the same period last year. Open interest (the number of contracts not yet exercised) at the options market was up14% to 12.5 million.