The European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) is the first energy exchange in Europe to offer trading in coal futures and clearing of coal futures concluded outside the ex-change. The contracts will be settled against the API 2 (Amster-dam/Rotterdam/Antwerp) and API 4 (Richards Bay, South Africa) indexes as published in Argus/McCloskey’s Coal Price Index Report. Furthermore EEX operates a Spot and a Derivatives Market for energy and CO2 emission allowances. With currently 139 trad-ing participants from 17 countries, it is the energy exchange in continental Europe with the largest number of trading participants and the biggest turnover. The range of ser-vices provided by EEX is complemented by related services such as the integrated clearing of exchange transactions and over-the-counter transactions (OTC clearing).
FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
First Coal Futures Contract Traded At EEX
Date 04/05/2006