Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

First Coal Futures Contract Traded At EEX

Date 04/05/2006

At the European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) the first coal con-tract was traded on May, 2nd 2006. The deal was concluded between Barclays Bank PLC und Sempra Energy Europe Limited, both located in London, two important play-ers at the coal market. At 65.20 US-Dollar/t a total of 15 000 tonnes with delivery in the first quarter of 2007 into the ARA-Region were traded.

The European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) is the first energy exchange in Europe to offer trading in coal futures and clearing of coal futures concluded outside the ex-change. The contracts will be settled against the API 2 (Amster-dam/Rotterdam/Antwerp) and API 4 (Richards Bay, South Africa) indexes as published in Argus/McCloskey’s Coal Price Index Report. Furthermore EEX operates a Spot and a Derivatives Market for energy and CO2 emission allowances. With currently 139 trad-ing participants from 17 countries, it is the energy exchange in continental Europe with the largest number of trading participants and the biggest turnover. The range of ser-vices provided by EEX is complemented by related services such as the integrated clearing of exchange transactions and over-the-counter transactions (OTC clearing).