Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Financial Supervisory Authority To Assume Control Of Take-Over Supervision

Date 29/08/2002

As of September 1, the Financial Supervisory Authority shall, with regard to "Securities Market Act" (SMA), exercise supervision and control adequacy of take-over bids to shareholders of companies listed on Tallinn Stock Exchange to valid legislative acts.

Hitherto the Take-over Committee of the Tallinn Stock Exchange had the authority to co-ordinate take-over bids. From September the Management Board of Financial Supervisory Authority shall approve of take-over bids.

Pursuant to the aforementioned amendments Tallinn Stock Exchange Rules for Take-over Bids shall become invalid. Hence, the offeror has no obligations to enter into agreement with the Tallinn Stock Exchange to exercise the Rules for Take-over Bids. The Take-over Committee of the Tallinn Stock Exchange shall terminate its activities.

Further requirements to take-over bids and other relevant circumstances are regulated by the regulation of Minister of Finance on the basis of the SMA. The regulation is available on HEX Tallinn Homepage at