Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Final Settlement Price For NYBOT's June 2002 Mini Coffee "C" Contract

Date 20/06/2002

The New York Board ofTrade (NYBOT®) announced today the final settlement pricefor its June 2002 Mini "C" coffee contract to be 46.45 centsper pound. This is the second final settlement price for anexpiring Mini contract (the first being the April 2002), sinceNYBOT launched its Mini contract March 15, 2002, at its backupfacility in Long Island City, Queens, New York.

NYBOT's Mini "C" futures contracts (symbol MK) are cash settledagainst the weighted average price of all ring-traded contractsin the corresponding Coffee "C" contract month during the lastfive bracket periods of trading on the last day of the Minicontract (excluding spread trades).

The Mini coffee contract, which is cash-settled and one-thirdthe size of the Regular "C" contract (or 12,500 pounds of Arabicacoffee), has a smaller size that creates investment and hedgingopportunities in an extremely volatile market. The Mini "C"trades alongside the Regular Coffee "C" contract in the samepit and during the same hours from 9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.(NY Time).