Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Final Cash Offers* By Nightingale Acquisition Limited(A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.) For The Entire Issued And To Be Issued Share Capital Of London Stock Exchange Group Plc - Withdrawal Of Scope To Revise The Final Offers In T

Date 26/01/2007

The Board of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. ("NASDAQ") announces that it has not been contacted by the Board of London Stock Exchange Group plc ("LSE") with respect to a recommended transaction. In NASDAQ's view, there is now insufficient time to effect any revision of the Final Offers via constructive dialogue with LSE and an LSE Board recommendation by the deadline of midnight (London time) on Saturday 27 January 2007. Accordingly, NASDAQ announces that the Final Offers can no longer be revised upon the recommendation of the LSE Board.

LSE Shareholders are urged to accept the Final Offers as you, rather than the LSE Board, will determine whether the Final Offers will be implemented.

LSE Shareholders who have not yet accepted the Final Offers and who hold LSE Shares in certificated form (that is, not through CREST) should complete, sign and return the relevant Form(s) of Acceptance in accordance with the instructions thereon and the instructions in the Offer Document as soon as possible.

LSE Shareholders who have not yet accepted the Final Offers and who hold LSE Shares in uncertificated form (that is, through CREST), should submit a TTE instruction in accordance with the instructions in the Offer Document for settlement as soon as possible.

Copies of the Offer Document, the First Response Document, the Second Response Document and Forms of Acceptance are available for collection (during normal business hours only) from Capita Registrars, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU, United Kingdom and Greenhill & Co. International LLP at Lansdowne House, 57 Berkeley Square, London W1J 6ER, United Kingdom. The Offer Document, the Response Document and the Second Response Document are also available on

Save as defined above, capitalised terms used in this announcement have the same meaning as in the Offer Document dated 12 December 2006, the First Response Document dated 8 January 2007 and the Second Response Document dated 23 January 2007.

* The Final Offers will not be revised except that NAL reserves the right to revise the Final Offers if a firm intention to make a competing offer for LSE is announced, whether or not subject to any preconditions.