Trackers, or ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), are tradable investment funds that aim to closely and continuously track an index. They have been very successful since their launch on Euronext's NextTrack segment in January 2001 in Paris and Amsterdam. Today 59 trackers are listed on NextTrack, offering investors a full range of indices to track and generating an average daily turnover of EUR 132 million over the last 8 months. Euronext is Europe's leading market for trackers, with a market share of 47.9% in terms of turnover in August 2002 and with 68% of total assets under management in Europe on August 30, 2002.
The introduction of this new BEL20â MASTER UNIT tracker not only further completes the large range of trackers already listed on NextTrack, it also contributes to the further harmonisation of Euronext's listed products.
As trackers are now recognised worldwide as a standard for index investment products, they are considered to be the substitute for Minis which have shown a very low and further declining turnover. Therefore, as of 30 December 2002, after the close of the market, the mini® BEL20® and the mini® Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50SM will be delisted. Investors will have the opportunity to benefit from Euronext's commercial offer enabling them to smoothly convert their mini-positions into the corresponding trackers at a minimised cost.
For more details on trackers, please consult our web site : (via markets&prices/trackers (ETF)).
For practical information regarding the mini's delisting and the conversion into trackers, please consult our web site: (via Brussels/Minis).