Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

EXFEED And Derivative Partners Agree On Cooperation

Date 05/10/2005

EXFEED, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the SWX Group that is responsible for distributing the market data of the SWX Swiss Exchange and virt-x, has concluded a cooperation agreement with Derivative Partners in the area of data delivery. Derivative Partners specialises in preparing, calculating and exchanging data in the area of securitised derivatives. It also operates the informational community portal and publishes Payoff, a monthly magazine for investors and advisors.

The purpose of the cooperation agreement is to introduce a first-rate service in the area of derivatives for core data and key figures for all warrants traded on the SWX in the name and on behalf of EXFEED.

The categorisation model for derivatives offered by the new service will be highly flexible and take account of new product categories while making it possible to expand to other markets. The high quality requirements will be effectuated by means of an integrated quality assurance process.

The standardised electronic distribution channel from a single source to the vendors will allow automated processing and an efficient procedure and will be a valuable complement to existing EXFEED products.

The new service will be offered by EXFEED via the vendors as of late November 2005 following the introduction of Quotematch, the new SWX high-performance platform for quoting and trading.