Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Exempt Stock Market In Unquoted Securities Of SFE Corporation Limited - Notification Of Termination

Date 15/04/2002

By notice dated 27 March 2002 ('Notice'), the exempt stock market ('exempt stock market') in unquoted securities of SFE CORPORATION LIMITED ('SFE') was informed of the proposed termination of trading of Ordinary Shares on the exempt stock market, to enable Ordinary Shares to commence official quotation on Australian Stock Exchange Limited ('ASX'). The Ordinary Shares are to cease trading on the exempt stock market at 5.00pm on the business day immediately preceding the date which is notified to SFE by ASX as the date on which those securities will commence quotation on the ASX.

SFE has now received notice from ASX that it has been admitted to the Official List of ASX and that Official Quotation of SFE's securities will commence at 12 noon on Tuesday 16 April 2002.

The Notice stated that details of the last date for trading the Ordinary Shares on the exempt stock market ('Transfer Date'), and the date of commencement of quotation of those securities on ASX ('Quotation Date'), would be released to the exempt stock market as soon as practicable after it is known to SFE and the Operator of the exempt stock market.

The Transfer Date is 15 April 2002. That date is the last date on which Austock Brokers Pty Ltd ('Broker') will accept bids or offers in relation to the sale or purchase of SFE's Ordinary Shares on the exempt stock market. All bids and offers remaining unsatisfied at the close of business on the Transfer Date will be referred by the Broker to the relevant clients for new instructions.

The Quotation Date is 16 April 2002. On and from the Quotation Date, SFE's Ordinary Shares may be traded on ASX.