Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Euronext.liffe Takes The Lead In Global Short-Term Interest Rate Products

Date 01/04/2004

For the first month ever, in March 2004, Euronext.liffe traded more short-term interest rate (STIR) futures and options contracts than any other exchange in the world, with a total volume of 36.1 million contracts.

Hugh Freedberg, Chief Executive at Euronext.liffe, said: "March has been a key month in the development of our business. This has been our busiest month ever for short-term interest rate products, which are being used by a growing number of financial institutions to hedge their interest rate risk. Last month we traded more STIR products than any other exchange in the world."

Euronext.liffe is the only exchange to offer its customers six of the world's major short-term interest rate products together on one platform, LIFFE CONNECT®, following the launch of Eurodollar futures and options in March.

The relative growth of Euronext.liffe's Three Month Euribor futures and options contracts is demonstrated by the fact that in March it represented 82% of total Eurodollar futures and options volume, up from 60% for the year 2003.

Market volume in STIR products:

  March 04 Volume Total
Euronext.liffe Euribor 28,701,091 36,149,764
Euronext.liffe Sterling 6,852,216
Euronext.liffe Euroswiss 511,446
Euronext.liffe Eurodollar 64,036
Euronext.liffe EONIA 20,975