The iShares FTSE 100 follows the FTSE 100 index, the leading index for the United Kingdom that is made up of the 100 biggest British stocks. This tracker is already listed on the London Stock Exchange. The issuer is Barclays Global Investors (BGI), a major player in the tracker market. BGI is introducing trackers as part of its iShares series. So far, it has launched ten trackers on Euronext, eight on Bloomberg European sector indices, one on the FTSE Euro 100 index and one on the FTSE Eurotop100 index. BGI will restrict its annual all-inclusive management fee to 0.35% of the assets under management for the iShares FTSE 100 tracker.
LDRS (pronounced 'leaders'), are the leading trackers in Europe and are sponsored by Merrill Lynch. The current two LDRS, STOXX 50 LDRS and Euro STOXX 50 LDRS, are amongst the largest and most actively traded trackers in Europe. Merrill Lynch is now bringing 13 new LDRS ETFs based on the FTSE Global Sector Indices to the market. The Global Sector LDRS will be the first global sector based ETFs to be launched anywhere in the world. The FTSE GLOBAL LDRS are based on the following Sectors: Automobiles, Banks, Basic Industries, Energy, Financials, General Industrials, Media, Pharmaceuticals, Tech, Telecoms, Utilities, Cyclical and Non-Cyclical.
Trackers are index funds that can be traded on the market in the same way as shares and are also known as exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Designed to replicate the performance of an index or basket of securities, they are simple, fast and cost-effective, enabling investors to benefit from the results of an entire business sector, national economy or region by purchasing a single security. Trackers can be traded throughout the trading day and can be bought and sold through brokers in the same way as shares. Trackers also pay dividends.
NextTrack was launched on 9 January 2001 as Euronext's designated equity product segment for trackers. In October it gained a European market share of 42% with 33 trackers, a daily average turnover of €91 million and a global asset under management of €3 348 million. The NextTrack segment helps investors identify these new products more easily and enables them to choose their preferred index or portfolio type from the range of trackers on offer. These new trackers bring the total on Euronext's NextTrack segment to 47.