Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Euronext: Update On Proposals For A Combination Transaction

Date 22/05/2006

On Friday 19 May, Deutsche Boerse A.G. (“DB”) published certain aspects of a proposed combination between DB and Euronext. During the weekend, Euronext received further details of DB’s proposal. In particular, DB clarified that the basis of the exchange ratio for a combination of the two groups would be the volume weighted three months’ average market value, as at the time of entering into a formal agreement with DB.

In addition, and as announced this morning, Euronext has also received a detailed proposal from NYSE Inc.

The Supervisory Board of Euronext will meet this afternoon in advance of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders, and will consider the two proposals received and other indications of interest. The proposals will be discussed with shareholders tomorrow.

There is a final opportunity for shareholders to attend tomorrow’s AGM of 23 May 2006, to give voting instructions or to amend previous voting instructions. All formalities must be completed prior to 4 pm CET today.

Technical details are available from Investor Relations at + 33 1 49 27 58 60