Figures are for first nine months of 2001 to 30/09. Figures in parentheses are for equivalent period in 2000.
Cash trading : EUR 40.4 (44.1)
The number of trades for the first nine months of 2001 was 12.4% lower than for the same period of 2000. However, this resulted only in a 7.2% fall in revenues, due to the degressive pricing structure.
Listing fees : EUR 9.8 (17)
There was a slowdown in IPOs in the third quarter, due to the market environment. As a result, several listing operations are currently on hold.
Derivatives trading : EUR 22.3 (21.9)
The events of September 11 led to very high volatility in the financial markets. As a consequence since the start of the year, derivatives trading volumes have risen by 15%.
Clearing : EUR 41.3 (39.2)
Despite the fall in the number of cash market trades, clearing revenues from cash trading rose slightly, due to a small increase in the volume of capital cleared. Revenues from derivatives trading benefited from a rise in both the number of contracts traded and the volume of capital cleared.
Settlement and custody : EUR 7.6 (8.8)
Settlement and custody revenues fell in line with the slight decline in cash trading volumes.
Information Services : EUR 20.6 (18.4)
Revenues from sales of market data rose by 2.6% in the first nine months.
Sales of developed software / solutions : EUR 25.2 (17.8)
GL Trade's revenues grew by 46.3% to € 71m in the nine months to end-September 2001, due to continued international expansion in Europe, the USA and Asia. Revenues for the same period in 2000 included a € 7.1m contribution from Euronext SCRL, which has since been sold to Atos Euronext.
Other revenues : EUR 1 (5.3)
Total revenues : EUR 168.2 (172.5)
Please note that 2000 pro forma figures have been calculated as if the merger between AEX, SBF and BXS had been carried out on January 1 2000.
Jean-François Théodore, chairman of Euronext NV's managing board, made the following comments: "The resilient revenue performance achieved in the first nine months of 2001, despite diff icult market conditions, provides a clear indication of the strength of our diversified business structure. We expect full-year 2001 revenues to be slightly lower than the full-year 2000 ones".
Annual results will be announced on March 8 2002.