Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Euronext Revenues Amount To € 265.3 Million In The 2nd Quarter 2003, A 6% Increase Compared To A Year Earlier

Date 13/08/2003

Euronext NV revenues reach €265.3mn during the second quarter of 2003 , an increase of 6% compared to €250.4mn achieved during the same period in 2002. This has been realized in spite of the negative impact of exchange rate fluctuations (€6.3mn). Growth would have been 8.5% compared to Q2 2002 at constant exchange rates.

Compared to the first quarter of this year, revenues increased by €19.2 mn (7.8%).

Revenues for the first half of 2003 have increased by 3.9% to €511.4 mn compared to €492.4mn for the first half of 2002. This satisfactory growth is due to the strong performance of the derivatives business, the contribution of the CBOT deal revenues, as well as the development of the cash trading activity.

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