A total of 8,114,350 trades set the daily average at 368,834, compared with 388,387 in September. The busiest day was October 11 with 441,192 trades and the least busy October 23 with 268,974.
Trade value averaged EUR 4.81 billion a day compared with EUR 5.09 billion in September, which marked a record high. The total for the 22 business days in October was EUR 105.76 billion.
Trading peaked at EUR 6.39 billion on October 27, while the low point was EUR 2.98 billion on October 23.
In the first ten months of the year, Euronext Paris recorded 82.42 million trades compared with 46.19 million in the same period of last year and 59.8 million for the whole of 1999. They represented a total of EUR 966.11 billion, compared with EUR 570.56 billion for the same period of last year and EUR 723 billion for the whole of 1999.
Three new companies were admitted to Euronext Paris regulated markets in October ñ Coletica to the Second Marché, and Qualiflow and Pharmagest Interactive to the Nouveau Marché. Together, they raised EUR 46.47 million. The month also saw the launch of the first tracking stock in Europe, Alcatel O shares.
At October 31, capitalization of French equities on the Premier, Second and Nouveau Marchés totaled EUR 1,640 billion.