Trading in equity and index derivatives set a series of all-time highs for:
- short-term equity options: 10.440 million contracts traded (+9.5% on February).
- options on CAC40 futures: over 10.315 million lots traded (+81.8% on February); premiums reached a new record high.
- DJ Euro StoxxSM50 futures: 135,572 lots traded.
In commodities, trading rose a steep 49% on February, driven by vigorous demand for rapeseed and maize contracts. The latter recorded its most active month ever, with 6,308 lots changing hands.
Derivatives markets operated by Euronext Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels reported 34.485 million contracts traded in March, a 26.8% rise on February 2001 and 7% more than in March 2000. 90.6% of transactions represented equity and index futures and options. Altogether 90.186 million lots changed hands in the first quarter of 2001.