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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Euronext Indices B.V. Announces: EPRA Real-estate Index-series Extended With USD/GBP Versions

Date 01/11/2000

Following market demand from United States based investors, the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) in co-operation with Euronext Indices BV announce the introduction of a new series of US Dollar based indices. The new indices broaden and compliment the current Euro based indices, enabling United States based investors to benchmark effectively in the European Real Estate sector. The new US Dollar indices are calculated in both capital (price only) and total return (dividend reinvested) formats. In addition, demand from UK based investors has resulted in the creation of GBP versions on the broad index series.

The indices introduced are as follows: EPRA Index, EPRA Euro Zone, EPRA UK, EPRA Switzerland, EPRA Sweden, EPRA Spain, EPRA Portugal, EPRA Norway, EPRA Netherlands, EPRA Italy, EPRA Ireland, EPRA Germany, EPRA France, EPRA Finland, EPRA Denmark, EPRA Belgium, EPRA Index, EPRA Euro Zone. The EPRA Index and the EPRA Euro Zone index are calculated in GBP as well as USD.

Further demands for UK based investors see the introduction of tailored EPRA Ex UK index in Euros, USD and GBP.

Euronext Indices BV combines the index-activities of the merged Amsterdam Exchanges, the Brussels Stock Exchange and the Paris Stock Exchange. Euronext Indices BV, calculates a range of indices from the AEX Index, CAC 40 and BEL 20 to specific tailored indices such as the EPRA Indices as demanded by the investment community. EPRA is a non-profit organisation focused on adding transparency to the European real estate sector.

All index values are available on a real time based from all of the major data providers. In addition, the index values are available on the Euronext web-site:

Further information on the EPRA Indices can be obtained from EPRA by contacting Quinton Hill-Lines on +31 20 405 3832.