This prize rewards the extensive experience of Serge Harry, whose entire career has been dedicated to the European securities industry, first as Secretary General of Sicovam (the French central securities depository, now renamed Euroclear France); then, from 1999 to 2000, as deputy CEO of ParisBourse S.A. Serge Harry has been CFO of Euronext since the Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris exchanges merged to create the Euronext group in September 2000.
The award also recognises the successful management of M&A projects by Euronext's finance team. Euronext crossed a number of milestones in 2001, including the company's successful IPO in July, the acquisition of LIFFE in October and the merger with BVLP, the Portuguese stock and derivatives exchange (now Euronext Lisbon), at the end of the year.
CFO Europe hosts the annual CFO Europe Best Practices Awards in London to honour senior finance executives who have illustrated their ability to create value for their organisations through strategic vision, leadership and innovation. A panel of seven judges assesses the extent to which the CFO and finance team were central to corporate strategy. The judges reward the CFOs who have had the greatest impact and delivered the most value to their organisation's performance.
Euronext N.V. is the first pan-European exchange operating the cash and derivative exchanges of Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon and Paris, and includes as well the London derivatives exchange LIFFE. As of 31 March 2002, 1,561 companies were listed on Euronext regulated markets representing a market capitalisation of €2,201 billion. In the first quarter of 2002, 181 million futures and options were traded on Euronext derivatives markets.
CFO Europe is a monthly magazine published by The Economist Group. It follows the formula established by CFO magazine in America and is aimed at Europe's top corporate financial executives in the largest organisations. CFO Europe examines the broad implications of strategic decision-making in corporations and provides in-depth coverage of issues that are of interest to a specialised financial audience.