Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Euronext Delivers Satisfactory First Half 2005 Results - Based On The Current Market Trend, And Excluding Costs Induced By The LSE Project, Euronext Upgrades Its 2005 EBITA Forecast By 10% - EBITA Amounts To €140.1m: Margin At 30.4% - Net Profit Of €98.4m

Date 31/08/2005

Euronext NV reports today its results for the first half of 2005. Owing to the strong growth of second quarter revenues, Euronext NV’s 2005 half-year revenues of €461.2m matched those achieved in the same period of 2004.

The continued focus on costs enabled Euronext expenses to increase by only €9.2m (+2.9%). This includes the €12.0m of legal and advisory costs linked to the LSE project.

As a result of the upswing in market trend in the second quarter, the half-year EBITA margin reached 30.4%. The year-todate EBITA amounted to €140.1m, down from €150.7m in H1 2004.

The 1st half 2005 net profit was up 23.0% from €80.0m in 2004 to €98.4m (As of January 1,2005, the IFRS rules terminated the amortization of goodwill). This rise, combined with the effect of the share buy-backs effected in 2004, engendered a 31.8% growth of the diluted EPS, to €0.87.

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