Euronext Paris already migrated to NSC-EMM on 23 April 2001. Therefore, as of today, the securities markets of the two exchanges are using the same trading platform, a common Rule Book and common trading fees.
This migration will be completed later by Euronext Amsterdam and afterwards, the Euronext exchanges will complete the full integration of their clearing and settlement platforms - the back office services. Until then, companies whose shares are listed in more than one market will continue to be traded in separate order books.
To take full benefit from this common trading platform, until the full integration of the back office services, Euronext Brussels Members can trade securities listed on Euronext Paris provided that they have a clearing agreement on this exchange. Likewise, Euronext Paris members need a clearing agreement on Euronext Brussels to trade securities listed on Euronext Brussels.
Today's migration is an important step in the integration of the European securities market, since it is the first time that regulated markets of two different member states are operated on a single platform with a single rulebook.