Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Euronext Brussels Launches Free Market

Date 19/10/2004

Euronext announces the official launch of a new non-regulated market in Brussels, the Free Market, on the 16th of November with the admission of the company Propharex.

This new market which is due to bridge the gap between private equity and the regulated market, aims at enabling small and medium sized companies active in any sector, to increase their visibility and to raise equity within a light regulatory framework. Once the issuer’s prospectus has been approved by the CBFA, he is free to decide on the level of information he will publish. The rules regarding price manipulation and insider trading will be applicable, so as to contribute to the integrity of this market.

Olivier Lefebvre, member of the Managing Board and Executive Vice-President of Euronext, said : “The Free Market of Euronext Brussels will allow lots of different kinds of companies to benefit from the visibility of being admitted on a stock exchange within a framework corresponding to their needs.”

The full organization memo of the Free Market is published on the Euronext website:,4245,1626_53424_458930759,00.pdf.