Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Euronext: Bgold Index-Adjustment

Date 21/05/2004

Following the take-over of the Company Avgold by the Company Harmony Ltd., the BGold Index compiler has decided to remove the company Avgold from the index and to increase the weight of the company Harmony in the Index in such a way as to maintain the representativity of the index.

Therefore, on Monday 24 May 2004, the following composition for the BGold index will be valid:

New Page 1

Name Old weights valid till 2004/05/21 New weights valid from 2004/05/24 Difference
Anglogold 335 335
Avgold 1,050 0 -1,050
Durban deep 300 300
Goldfields 715 715
Harmony 300 400 + 100

Following these adjustments, the current divisor of the Bgold Index needs to be replaced by the new divisor as published below, as from Monday 24 May 2004.

Current Divisor :
B-Gold Price Index: 31,533.56

New divisor from 2004/05/24 on : 31,549.72