Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Eurex Turns Over 68.5 Million Contracts In August - 514 Million Contracts Traded And Cleared In 2002 - Record-High Trading Volumes In Capital Market Products And In Euro STOXX Products

Date 02/09/2002

Eurex, the international derivatives market, traded and cleared 68.5 million contracts in August. The world market leader thus showed 31 percent growth in turnover for the month compared to the previous year's figure (52.3 million contracts traded in August). During the first eight months of the year, a total of about 514 million contracts have been traded at Eurex. Eurex also posted record-high trading volumes in individual products and product groups: With 42.5 million contracts traded in capital market products, Eurex achieved its second-highest volume for this segment to date (current record: 48.2 million contracts traded in November 2001) and topped the August 2001 volume by 35.6 percent. The Euro STOXX 50 future saw its third-highest monthly volume posted in August with 7.3 million contracts traded (163 percent more than in August 2001). Volume in options on the Euro STOXX 50 was also higher, growing 93 percent to 3.5 million contracts, its second-highest monthly total to date, after the record high of 4.9 million contracts traded in July 2002.

The capital market products segment was the highest-turnover segment at Eurex in August and the world's most successful exchange-traded derivatives family (trading volume in 2002: 291.5 million contracts). The leading contract in this segment and at Eurex as a whole was the Bund future, with 17.8 million contracts traded (33 percent higher than in August 2001). Bobl futures volume, with 10.9 million contracts traded, grew by about 44 percent compared with the same month of last year, and Euro-Schatz futures by 58 percent, with 10.7 million contracts traded.

Turnover of 26 million contracts was posted in equity-based derivatives in August, comprising some 17.2 million contracts in equity index derivatives and some 8.8 million in equity options. The strongest equity option at Eurex in August was the option on Nokia, with about 1.25 million contracts traded, ahead of the number traded in options on Deutsche Telekom (1.05 million contracts).