The capital market products were the highest-volume segment at Eurex again in October, with volume of more than 37 million contracts traded, surpassing the October 2000 volume by 69 percent. The capital market products at Eurex were again the world's most successful family of exchange-traded derivatives for another month in a row: The highest-volume contract in this segment and at Eurex as a whole was the Euro Bund future with 15.7 million contracts traded, roughly 46 percent above the October 2000 volume. In the Euro Bobl future, volume rose 91 percent against the previous year's figure to 8.7 million contracts traded, and in the Euro Schatz future turnover for the month more than doubled, to roughly 8.2 million contracts. The options on Schatz and Bobl showed respective increases of 594 percent and 212 percent compared with October 2000, thus achieving record results.
In equity-based derivatives, some 26.7 million contracts were traded in October. This total comprises 15.2 million contracts in the equity-index derivatives segment, representing an increase of 103 percent compared with October 2000, and some 11.5 million contracts in the equity options segment, increasing 40 percent. In the equity index derivatives, options on the DAX, with 45 percent growth and some 5 million contracts, were ahead of the futures on the Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 index with 4.9 million contracts traded, more or less tripling the October 2000 volume and achieving its second-best monthly volume to date. Record results were achieved in options on the Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 with 2.5 million contracts traded, a 157 percent increase over the October 2000 volume. In 2001, Eurex has turned over some 109 million contracts in the equity index products segment to date, a 78 percent increase compared with the same period of last year. In the equity options segment, the option on shares of Deutsche Telekom and Nokia were the leading products during the month of October, with 1.7 million and 1.6 million contracts traded, respectively. The turnover in Nokia options also marks a new record in trading volume (previous record: 1.5 million contracts in September 2001). In the 10 new US stock options that have been trading at Eurex since September 24, the turnover in October amounted to some 13,000 contracts. In 2001, 111 million contracts were traded in the equity options segment, representing an increase of 49 percent compared with the same period of last year.