Average outstanding volume in the Euro and Swiss Franc Repo Markets rose to €65.5 billion in the first half of the year – a y-o-y increase of 34 percent (H1 2004: €48.8 billion) – with the strongest growth on the Euro Repo Market. Average outstanding volume here rose by 61 percent to €24 billion, from €14.9 billion in the prior-year period. The Swiss Franc Repo Market accounted for an average of CHF 62.2 billion (€41.5 billion) in the first half of the year.
Eurex Repo also saw increased trading activity in June. Eurex Repo achieved record outstanding volumes of €33.5 billion on the Euro Repo Market, on June 21, and CHF 77 billion on the Swiss Franc Repo Market, on June 30. Outstanding volume on the two markets rose to €78.1 billion in June, a 27 percent increase year-on-year (June 2004: €61.3 billion). Of this, CHF 71.8 billion (€47.9 billion) was contributed by the Swiss Franc Repo Market and €30.2 billion by the Euro Repo Market. The average outstanding volume in the Euro Repo Market grew by 51 percent y-o-y in June (June 2004: €19.9 billion).