Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Eurex Repo Continues To Grow In The First Half Of 2005 - Outstanding Volume In First Six Months Up 34 Percent Year-On-Year/ New Records On Swiss Franc And Euro Repo Markets In June

Date 12/07/2005

The repo markets on the Eurex derivatives exchange continued to enjoy growth in the first half of 2005, as Eurex announced on Tuesday. Eurex Repo thus further strengthened its position as a pan-European repo marketplace.

Average outstanding volume in the Euro and Swiss Franc Repo Markets rose to €65.5 billion in the first half of the year – a y-o-y increase of 34 percent (H1 2004: €48.8 billion) – with the strongest growth on the Euro Repo Market. Average outstanding volume here rose by 61 percent to €24 billion, from €14.9 billion in the prior-year period. The Swiss Franc Repo Market accounted for an average of CHF 62.2 billion (€41.5 billion) in the first half of the year.

Eurex Repo also saw increased trading activity in June. Eurex Repo achieved record outstanding volumes of €33.5 billion on the Euro Repo Market, on June 21, and CHF 77 billion on the Swiss Franc Repo Market, on June 30. Outstanding volume on the two markets rose to €78.1 billion in June, a 27 percent increase year-on-year (June 2004: €61.3 billion). Of this, CHF 71.8 billion (€47.9 billion) was contributed by the Swiss Franc Repo Market and €30.2 billion by the Euro Repo Market. The average outstanding volume in the Euro Repo Market grew by 51 percent y-o-y in June (June 2004: €19.9 billion).