Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Eurex Now Also Offering Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Futures In USA

Date 10/07/2002

Eurex, the world's leading derivatives exchange, is expanding its product line for trading participants in the USA to include futures on the Dow Jones Global Titans 50 index. Eurex made the announcement on Wednesday, after the relevant U.S. regulator, CFTC, issued a no-action letter for the product. The futures contract, which was launched at Eurex in April 2001, is now available for the U.S. participants, effective immediately. Eurex indicated that the U.S. offerings will be expanded to include further index products in the future. Most recently, Eurex was granted a no-action letter in mid-April for two sector index futures.

The USA is one of the most important national markets for Eurex. Of the total of 412 Eurex participants in 17 countries, 61 are from the USA. They generate some 10 percent of the total volume traded; due to the regulatory specifications by the U.S. authorities, however, they do not have direct access to all Eurex products. In the Eurex benchmark futures on the DAX and the Euro STOXX 50 as well as on the capital market products Bund, Bobl and Schatz, the U.S. participants generate about 25 percent of the turnover. The product range in the USA comprises all money-market products, all futures and options on capital market products denominated in euros as well as futures on the equity indices DAX, DJ Euro STOXX 50, DJ STOXX 50, DJ Global Titans 50, DJ STOXX 600 Banks and DJ Euro STOXX Banks.

Eurex Products available in the USA:

  • One-month Euribor-Future
  • Three-month Euribor-Future
  • Option on three-month Euribor-Future

  • Euro-Bund-Future
  • Euro-Bobl-Future
  • Euro-Schatz-Future
  • Option on Euro-Bund-Future
  • Option on Euro-Bobl-Future
  • Option on Euro-Schatz-Future

  • DAX-Future
  • DJ Euro STOXX 50 Future
  • DJ STOXX 50 Future
  • DJ Euro STOXX Banking-Future
  • DJ STOXX 600 Banking-Future
  • DJ Global Titans 50-Future