Eurex is the most liquid market for European equity options. In the first seven months of 2004, a total of 140 million equity options were traded on Eurex, 12 million thereof in the Nordic equity options segment, currently consisting of eight equity options. Eurex and OMHEX have been working together in trading with Nordic equity options since September 1999. Since that time, the most liquid Nordic equity options have been listed on Eurex and have been tradable for all Eurex customers. The members of OMHEX became Eurex participants at the same time, giving them access to the entire product portfolio of the world’s largest derivatives market.
FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
Eurex Increases Contract Size For Equity Options On Teliasonera - Contract Size Of 500 Shares Per Contract From August 23 - Cost Reduction For Trading In Nordic Equity Options
Date 20/08/2004