Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Eurex Extends Post-Trading Phase for Capital Market Products in Periods prior to Contract Date

Date 31/05/1999

The derivatives market Eurex is extending the post-trading phase for capital market products, effective immediately, as follows: During the last 10 days preceding a contract expiration/maturity date, Eurex market participants now have another half hour to process their post-trading activities in these products; in this case the so-called post-trading period ends at 20:00. The Eurex derivatives market is thus meeting the request of many market participants, especially from the UK, for an extension of the post-trading period at times when trading is heavier. This measure offers Eurex market participants far-reaching opportunities for flexible processing of transactions in the post-trading phase. It also gives the Eurex participants a span of time that can be used for position transfers, so-called give-up and take-up trades, trade transfers and trade splitting. This makes it possible to further enhance flexibility in same-day transaction processing, as Eurex put it. This does not mean that the participants will have to do without the possibility for historical transactions through the Eurex system in the future. The longer post-trading period also takes the higher transaction volume in clearing into account, as Zurich and Frankfurt stated.