The newly elected Exchange Council of Eurex Deutschland met on Thursday for the first time. The Council members elected Leonhard Fischer, member of the Board of Managing Directors of Dresdner Bank AG, to serve as chairman and Dr. Peter Coym, member of the Executive Board of Lehman Brothers Bankhaus AG, as vice-chairman. Moreover, Ulrike Diehl, Managing Director of DVFA GmbH (the German Society of Investment Analysts and Asset Managers), and Prof. Dr. Christian Schlag, holder of the chair of Derivatives and Financial Engineering of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, were additionally elected by the Council to serve as investor representatives. The remaining 22 members of the Exchange Council were elected by some 2,200 companies at the end of November.
The Exchange Council is the highest controlling and supervisory body of Eurex Deutschland. The Exchange Council is elected for a term of three years.