The increasing attractiveness of the Eurex Bonds trading platform, as documented by the strong rise in liquidity and turnover, has led to a growing demand for Eurex Bonds price data, according to Eurex. The Eurex Bonds price data are distributed as a separate information product by Deutsche Börse Information Products Division via the CEF (Consolidated Exchange Feed) data distribution system. The subscription to Eurex Bonds data will be free of charge up to and including February 2003.
The electronic bond-trading platform Eurex Bonds is operated jointly by Eurex and major bond-trading houses. Eurex Bonds offers trading and clearing in German government bonds and, since the beginning of 2002, in issues of the KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau), the European Investment Bank and individual German states as well as in jumbo Pfandbrief issues. Moreover, with the basis trading facility Eurex Bonds provides an attractive product combination of bonds and futures contracts traded at Eurex.