EUR421 Billion in Turnover on the German Stock Exchanges
Date 03/05/1999
A volume of EUR420.78 billion was traded in equities, warrants and fixed-income securities on the German stock exchanges in April, a decline of about 7 percent from the total recorded for the same month of last year. The order book statistics of Deutsche Börse, which are based on single counting of all transactions posted in the order book of Xetra® and on the trading floor, show turnover of EUR68 billion in equities for all German stock exchanges in April.
A volume of EUR59.6 billion was traded in domestic shares in April. Of this total, EUR43.28 billion, or roughly 73 percent, was traded through Xetra. Trading on the floor of FWB, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, accounted for EUR10.46 billion, or about 18 percent, of the total. The Xetra share of the turnover in DAX blue chips came to 82 percent.
The most active DAX stock in April was DaimlerChrysler, with volume of about EUR7 billion traded in its shares. Continental topped the list of MDAX (mid-cap DAX) stocks with turnover of EUR160 million posted, and Consors was the most active Neuer Markt stock with EUR414 million in shares traded. In the SMAX (small-cap) segment, Kamps ranked first in share turnover with a volume of EUR55 million traded.
The new SMAX quality segment for small caps was launched on April 26 with 91 companies, including three companies that timed their initial public offering to coincide with their participation in the SMAX launch. The market capitalization of the new segment at the end of April was about EUR16.15 billion.